Saturday, May 20, 2006

Stop making Britney Cry - You Jerks!

I've got to say that the sight of Britney Spears crying on news show after news show is pretty heart-rending. The latest thing that happened was that she sort of, almost dropped her baby while she was trying to evade the hordes of papparazzi after her. It's all to prove that she's an unfit mother or inadequate as a mother or something like that.

The thing is: there isn't a woman alive who hasn't dropped a child or had an accident happen to her child when they weren't quite looking - something. Every mother's had it happen to them (I'm told). So give her a break already.

Why all the interest anyways? She isn't recording anything or going out on tour or making a horrible, God-awful movie or anything really worth talking about. She isn't even looking all that hot, kind of chubby and rather ordinary looking and not at all the sex-goddess she used to be. No, these days she's just average cute, the kind of girl most guys could marry. I'm not saying she doesn't clean up pretty good - yes, she does! When she's in shape and has her make-up and hair done she looks pretty good, which makes me believe that most women if they were put through the Hollywood machine would come out pretty good.

Let's be honest here: she's not a very bright girl. She's not very educated, either. She sure doesn't sing very hot (and only dances so-so) so why should we care so much what she's doing? I think the answer is that every man wants to think he has a shot at her. And with her, just look at the guys she's married. I know I could step into Kevin Federline's shoe and be a better husband. Couldn't you? Couldn't just about anyone?

So, I'm not giving up hope that maybe one day ... and in the meantime, please stop making my future girlfriend cry, you big jerks!

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