Friday, August 11, 2006

Waiting for Godot and MidEast Peace

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I've noticed that I've been getting these spam e-mails with these brilliantly obscure tag-lines which make me click in just to see what they may be. Also, these messages will have a word salad at the bottom - I'm guessing to attract the search engines in case somebody just happens to type in some of the obscure listed words.

Well, hey! Two can play at that game, can't they? So, you will find at the bottom of this entry some of the afore-mentioned word salad that I copied directly off of my spam. Feel free to ignore it and if you did happen to be looking for information on: beggar girls in non-Tuscan Badger boats, I apologize. I'm sorry I tricked you, but now that you're here please read on. This will so much be worth your while.

I was taught the existentialist play Waiting for Godot three different times in college at Minnesota in three different classes. Each time I learned a different perspective on the play, in other words in each of these classes I learned a different way it sucks. If you don't know the play, you don't want to know it. It is a play about 'waiting' (well, duh) where a couple of bums stand around a tree talking, then some other people and a pig come by and they talk. End of Act I. The bums talk around the tree some more, the people and the pig come by and they talk. Godot, who they are all waiting for, never shows up. End of Act II. Brilliant! It's brilliant because between Act I and Act II a leaf from the tree (which is symbolically the tree of life) falls. Amazing! Do you see it? Do you see how incredible that is?

Well, three different professors at Minnesota did and I got to benefit from their insight. Anyways, it's not an entertaining play. Go see Spamalot! if you can. That's an entertaining play, this just isn't and never will be even if it has Robin Williams in it. He's a Julliard trained actor and his judgement of what's good isn't always the best (Patch Adams, Centerniel Man).

The last time was at a Humanities class that I never had much respect for. It was one of those liberal arts distribution requirements (Generals, they're also called) and I was taking it because I had to. As I recall, I signed up for this at the end of two weeks, so I don't know what was taught during those first two weeks and combined with not having any respect for the class I pulled out a 'D-'. A 'D-' that counted towards graduation, thank you, so it was worth my time and the grade didn't pull my GPA down much because it didn't have too far to fall.

One of the books I had to read was by entymologist (bug doctor) E.O. Wilson who theorized that humans, like every other animal, do things for the sole purpose of spreading our particular genes. And suppressing everybody else's genes, natch. This is much like the bugs do, and E. O. Wilson drew parallels between human beings and bugs and other creatures. One of the comparisons was in Religion. You didn't know ants have religion? According to E. O. Wilson they do. He didn't specify who or what they worship, but if I had to guess I would say their God must be a combination of sugar and poo.

Religion in this scenario is the mechanism for species to act to benefit other creatures who share their genepool when such actions might not benefit the individual of the species. Aha! Now we get to the MidEast. What are suicide bombers doing? They're killing themselves to benefit (how, I'm not sure) others who share their gene pool (Arabs) while eliminating those who do not share their genepool (Jews).

One of the symptoms of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy is religious ecstacy or excessive religiousity. The neurologist belief that this is because the area of the brain that is responsible for processing that area of human experience is overly stimulated. Neurologically, they are creating the feelings of religiousity through their disease. Neurologists say that, I don't.

It would hard to believe that God truly has told the Muslims that they should have the Holy Land while telling the Jews the same thing. He's got a sick sense of humor if he did. And if he really did tell one side that they were his true one and only, how come he never bothered to tell the other side that they weren't the chosen ones? I'm excepting all the Christians here because our possession of the Holy Land was pretty brief before we were sent packing with our templars between our legs.

So, after asking themselves that question each side should ask themselves this: God (or Allah) set the Arabs and the Jews both on the Earth for a reason. He's probably angry that he's being thwarted when they insist on taking each other off of the planet. God must have had a purpose for each one of his creatures and it wasn't to stand in front of a bomb.

Okay. Here's the word salad. Enjoy.

beggar girl Non-tuscan honey badgerboat crane tax list by-timeself-inclusive addition axiom Four-powersoft-throbbing summer tanager nibby-jibbyround-edged wall cabbage wonder-excitingdoor spring scroll front argan oildivision sign brush cherry white-barredself-dispatch axle seat heat spotslender-ankled power relay courtesy lightsuave-looking prosecution-proof popcorn flowerMoor-lipped Labrador feldspar half sistertongue worm pony grass grass-carpetedall fives viridine yellow oat grindertail bay knob-billed gazelle brownrate-raising till alarm flame-hairedheaven-sweet grass plover layer cake

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