Sunday, May 28, 2006

How to Get your Puppy to agree with Everything You Say

Training dogs to do silly things is a sometime hobby of mine when I have time on hand and a convenient puppy, too. This trick is one that I take quite a bit of joy in, but it was also surprisingly difficult to figure out how to get a puppy to do it like I wanted. The trick is to get the puppy to nod it's head 'Yes' to any question that you ask it.

The first thing you need is the correct treats to bribe your puppy with. It's best to have what's called a 'food motivated dog'. That's usually never a problem since every single one I met was very motivated by food. For treats, I believe in simply getting a different type of dog food then their daily fare and using that; maybe go a little higher end on the 'treat' dog food, something a little tastier and meatier than usual but you really don't have to get too extravagant. What makes the treat rewarding for the puppy is simply you and the way you act.

With your treats handy, sit the puppy down so that it's on it's stomach with it's paws in front of it and it's head up. It's very important that it be in this position so that the only motions it can make are with its head - only. Hold the treat up to it eye level with one hand, with your other hand near the floor. When your puppy is watching it steadily, you ask your question, making sure to raise your voice at the end. Usually my question is: "Are you a smart Girl/Boy?". Then I wiggle the fingers on the hand I have near the floor. The puppy will look down at that, look up towards the treat again, and it's just done the trick. It's nodded its head 'Yes' in response to your question.

Praise the puppy as you give it the treat, showing how happy you are with it. Then repeat this sequence until the puppy stops looking for the wiggling fingers near the floor and nods entirely on its own.

Two things that will not work, by the way, are trying to lead the puppy's head by moving the treat up and down, or physically moving its head up and down yourself. Believe me, both of those strategms are just wastes of time.

The puppy will eventually start nodding its head to any question you ask it, since it will figure out that the main cue is your voice going up at the end of the question. At this point, you can ask your puppy anything at all and it will whole heartedly agree with you - just as long as you keep giving it treats for agreeing with you.

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