Recently deceased Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, it turns out, was originally from Wisconsin and was a Green Bay Packer fan. It also turns out that he was a mild and pleasant man who was known for his gentle wit. Ahhh Crap! I just hate it when people like him, whose philosophies I disagree with, are nice guys. It would've made me so much happier if he'd been revealed to enjoy murdering and eating puppies. Then I could've continued believing that he was vile in every single way.
Obituaries all make reference to Bush v. Gore as a defining case in his long career, mostly these obituaries refer to it as a 'blot'. 'Blot', I'd have to say, is much too nice a word for what he did. The United States will forever be changed because the Supreme Court upheld election fraud as a precedent. And his was the deciding vote.
I don't think many liberals are actually worried about John Roberts taking over as Chief Justice. Oh, sure, he's supposed to be 'qualified' and all that, but he's taking the place of a far right conservative and he'll be a wash as far as the make-up of the court goes. Conservative replacing a conservative. Status Quo. Even Sandra Day O'Conner's replacement isn't too much of a concern because she was appointed by a Republican president and even though she was well known as a swing voter, whose to say her replacement won't turn out to be a swinger, too? It's a funny thing that the Supreme Court Judges who turned out to be the most liberal were also appointed by conservative presidents.
Here's the big question, ready for it .... abortion. Will the new judges on the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade? My guess? Nope. Not at all. Conservative judges, real conservative judges, don't believe in overturning precedents. They also don't that the court should be activist (ie) they don't believe that the judiciarie's role is to be making laws, only interpeting the ones we have. So the more conservative they are the less likely they are to change things.
How this affects the Apocalypse: I might be wrong about William Rehnquist enjoying murdering and eating puppies. There's never been any evidence to the contrary to refute this rumor. If he did do these horrible acts, I hope he repented so he can go to Heaven.
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