George Bush says he doesn't want to play the blame game and I don't blame him a bit. He doesn't want to play that game for the same reason that I don't enter boxing tournaments - I suck at it, I'd lose, and I'd end up beaten and bloody. George's outcome would probably be pretty similar. Yes, we need to get help to the Americans who have and suffered through this tragedy, but you know what? We have a little time left over to point how who's clear and obvious fault this horror is. Need any hints?
The President promises that there will be a thorough investigation later to analyze what went right and wrong with the disaster response. Do you mind if I save several millions of dollars right now? What went right is nothing. What went wrong is everything. And it all started about seven years back when the majority of Americans voted for Al Gore to be President and George Bush raised his hand and took the oath of office. This investigation will be conducted later after the emergency is taken care of. Yeah ... Right.
Okay. It's not all George Bush's fault. He has no control of the weather and the rumors that the CIA does have weather controlling machines that they use only on Democratic area of the country has not been proven. Yet. The question then becomes what would Al Gore have done differently? In the alternate Universe I like to visit occasionally - it's a wonderful place with fairies, and unicorns and Universal Health Coverage - in that Universe what would President Gore do differently.
Well, President Gore might have appointed someone qualified to head FEMA. The guy who's in the job now had little or no practical experience in the field of emergency relief. His most impressive resume item seems to be that he ran horse shows for several years, and got booted from that job.
The thing about this future investigation is that I know this is just a way to wait until America's collective gnat short attention span has moved on. Karl Rove, anybody? Does anybody recall that the President was going to fire anybody who revealed the names of covert operatives and that person turned out to be Karl Rove? Is this New Orleans investigation going to come after that investigation, perhaps? Or maybe the investigation will be conducted in George Bush's Alternate Universe.
What this has to do with the Apocalypse: I've heard the theory - it's not mine, mind you - that this nation's problems these last few years are a result of the wrong person, the one God did not ordain, being in the PResidency. Of course, the Lord was angry that his divine will was flaunted and he's been punishing us ever since. Anyways, it's just a theory.
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