Friday, March 24, 2006

What you can buy for a Half a Trillion

Half a trillion dollars happens to be what we've spent so far on the war in Iraq and so far - oh wait, I almost forgot, my novel Rexroi is on-line click on the sidebar to the right - anyways, half a trillion dollars spent on Iraq and it reminded me about how I used to concretize everything, which was how many packs of cigarettes that would buy. I haven't smoked for awhile so I'm not exactly sure how much they cost these days but somebody told me five bucks a pack up in Minnesota - where I used to live.

So, with that math at my old rate of a pack a day I could smoke for approximately one hundred million days without having to worry about going out for another carton. Maybe if the secret of immortality is discovered I could actually do that.

But wait! That might be another thing that a half a trillion dollars could have bought instead of the disaster in Iraq - immortality. And if not immortality it sure would have gone a long way towards curing a disease or two - like cancer. The next time you're thinking about how great it was that we got Saddam out of power please think about which you would have liked more, Saddam out of power or a cure for cancer.

Ironically, there really is a pretty good chance that you'll get cancer someday. You're going to die of something so odds are good that it could be cancer. When you are dying of cancer you can think about that.

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