Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Solution to Mid-East Peace

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The Prime Minister of Iran has just enunciated the way to peace in the Middle East and it's so simple and easy that I've been slapping my forehead all day long. The answer is: The total eradication of Israel. Now, how come no one thought about this one before? It's so easy. Four million human beings need to disappear off of the planet and the problem is solved. There might be some technical bugs to iron out on this one, like how do we get a heavily armed and combat ready nation to agree with this - but I'm sure that Ahmadeenajad et al. already have those little glitches solved.

But I wonder ... if you look at it that way: Wouldn't the total eradication of Iran and Syria work just as well? All that would be required is that you take Iran and Syria's plans for Israel, cross out the word 'Israel' and substitute those two nations and Voila! There you have it. Peace in the Middle East. And I'm sure Iran and Syria would think it's fair since that's what they had planned for Israel and sauce for the goose and such.

It does kind of amaze me that the Prime Minister of Iran did say this in all seriousness. Arab nations don't understand why the United States won't sign onto genocide and religious extremism. After all, both have been part of our history so we must look like quite the hypocrites after our country was founded courtesy of the native populations on two continents pretty much disappearing. However, most of native Americans (North and South) did perish because of infectious diseases spread by Europeans and not by active aggression and slaughter. I know, they're just as dead and that might be a distinction without a difference. Still ...

The Arab argument, as I understand it, is that the Arabs should control the lands that they acquired during the Mulim age of conquests. Therefore, since the Jews and Christians who were occupying the Holy land when they were conquered don't belong there, because the Moslems got rid of them and it should be theirs. That goes for parts of Spain, too, by the way, which partially explains the Spanish train bombings.

The sticky argument always comes down to who was there first, and you know what? It kind of doesn't matter. You have to deal with who's there now. They might have gotten there by shifty dealings and naked aggression, but they aren't going to leave no matter how guilty you make them feel. Where are they going to go, after all?

Think about America. Columbus came and brought disease and slavery to the New World and I can for see how that could be considered a raw deal. Yes, I sure feel guilty about what some people who sort of look like me did five hundred years ago and for pretty much ever after that. And you know what? I'm not going anywhere and neither is anyone else who sort of looks like me.

I wish Israel would stop beating the crap out of Lebanon because I just filled up my gas tank not too long ago. My sympathies are all with them since I don't believe your attacker has the right to dictate to you how you choose to defend yourself from their aggression. If you want somebody off the planet, tell them so, then take actions to make it happen can they really be blamed for wanting you off the planet, also? I don't think so.

Hezbollah and Israel is that Hezbollah is targeting civilians purpose and Israel inadvertantly. Yes, you're still just as dead no matter what was in the heart of the person who sent the bomb that killed you. So, Israel may be slowly disappearing off of the face of the Earth but my money is still on them and if any country leaves the planet it won't be them - at least not with a few others leading the way.

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